General Session Speakers


Linda A. Seiler, Ph.D.


For decades, Linda felt like a man trapped in a female body and was exclusively attracted to women. Today, she is content in a female body and wholly attracted to men.

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Joe Dallas


Joe Dallas is an author, conference speaker, and Biblical counselor. He’s the Founder of Cloudfire Ministries in Tustin, California, and he hosts a weekly podcast (Christians in a Cancel Culture) and a monthly online meeting for pastors (The Challenge).

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Paul W. Hruz, M.D. Ph.D.


Dr. Hruz is an academic pediatric endocrinologist (hormone specialist) and tenured physician scientist with faculty appointments in both Pediatrics and Cellular Biology and Physiology.

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Kim Sharp


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29:11 Worship


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Matthew King


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Melinda Patrick


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Emily Oakley


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Annalise Shadburne


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Breakout 1 Speakers & Descriptions


Maureen & Ray Borzone

Removing Barriers to Healing Sexual Brokenness

Sexual brokenness often has non-sexual roots. Heart-level healing and transformation involves recognizing those roots and working to remove them. Often there are barriers to even seeing the roots at all. Learn how to remove the common barriers to healing that keep people in cycles of unwanted sexual behavior. Help others experience the healing and breakthrough they’re searching for.

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Matthew King

How to Talk to Children About Sexuality at an Age-Appropriate Level

Children are being indoctrinated with LGBTQ ideology as young as kindergarten. How can we preempt the conversation and equip our children with a biblical understanding of sexuality at an age-appropriate level? Drawing from his past experience of same-sex attractions in addition to his role as a children’s pastor, husband, and parent of four kids, Matt will prepare you to have the conversation now so that you don’t have to do damage control later.

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Keith & René Martin

Doing Life With Your LGBTQ-Identified Child

How do you go forward in a healthy relationship with your LGBTQ-identified child? Whether they are a teen living in your home, an adult living on their own, or even if the relationship has been broken, we’ll be talking about what you can do to connect in redemptive ways: communication – what you should and shouldn’t say; boundaries – how to navigate situations that arise; and self-care – how to keep yourself close to and strengthened by Jesus in the process.

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Brett & Holly Martin

How Father Wounds Influence Our Sexuality

In this session, we will look at God’s original intent for the role of a father. We will then look at how children may experience a breach in the bonding process with their father and how long-term roots spring forth from the rupture. Lastly, we will look at how God fathers us with a perfect love that leads to healing and freedom.

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Rev. Wynn Cameron Thompson

Shame: A Common Root of Sexual Addictions

This breakout examines the impact of past experiences and how the development of a shame-based identity may contribute to sexual addictions. Wynn will offer a biblically-based, practical approach to break shame and help the overcomer enter into deeper intimacy with Christ, resulting in greater wholeness and freedom.

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Renee Dallas

A Biblical Response to Non-Traditional Marriage

With the normalization of LGBTQ, a myriad of trends have emerged that challenge biblical marriage and influence younger generations away from the truth. Such trends include polyamory, platonic same-sex marriage, mixed-orientation marriage, and trans/hetero marriage. Renata will review the emerging trends, equip the listener to articulate God’s design for marriage, and offer methods to counsel and instruct others in the truth.

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Breakout 2 Speakers & Descriptions


Maureen & Ray Borzone

Forgiving Yourself & Breaking Free of Shame

You know that God has forgiven you, so why can’t you forgive yourself? Feelings of condemnation and shame can keep you in cycles of anxiety and defeat that are hard to break out of. Learn the nature of this destructive pattern and how to finally receive all that Jesus purchased for you on the Cross. Live in the lightness and power that God intends for His children.

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Anne Edward: Restored Hope Network

Equipping Youth With a Biblical Response to LGBTQ

Today’s youth experience unprecedented social pressure to affirm LGBTQ. How can we equip our youth to respond when they encounter accusations against their faith because of their beliefs regarding God’s design for sexuality? Anne offers youth a reasonable, hope-filled, and compassionate response based on both biblical truth and natural law.

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Andrew Rodriguez, LPC

Understanding the Development of Same-Sex Attractions & Moving Toward Wholeness

In counseling those with unwanted sexual attractions, competent care begins with understanding the nature of sexual attraction and how it develops. Andrew will outline how God’s design for sexuality provides insight into the causes of same-sex sexual arousal and inspires psychological approaches to helping overcomers move toward wholeness. This model will be contrasted against the secular paradigm of an inborn, immutable sexual orientation that is increasingly being adopted in the Church.

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Matthew King

Pastoring Individuals Leaving an LGBTQ Identity

“Come as you are” is a phrase many churches speak from their pulpit, but do we know what to do when people actually do? Matt explains how to meet the unique challenge of ministering to those who are leaving an LGBTQ identity by applying biblical principles of love and discipleship. No one should walk alone in their journey away from LGBTQ.

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Brett & Holly Martin

How Mother Wounds Influence Our Sexuality

In this session, we will look at God’s original intent for the role of mothers. We will then look at how children may experience a breach in the bonding process with their mother and how long-term roots spring forth from the rupture. Lastly, we will look at how God mothers us with a perfect love that leads to healing and freedom.

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Linda A. Seiler, Ph.D.

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Why Teens Are Transitioning at Alarming Rates

It’s now trendy to be trans, but what does transgender mean, and how should we respond when a loved one—especially a teenager—comes out as trans? Dr. Linda Seiler, who herself experienced transgender desires and same-sex attractions, explains why teens are adopting transgender identities at an alarming rate and will offer practical tips, including how to respond to teens who adopt a false identity and which pronouns to use.

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Breakout 3 Speakers & Descriptions


Melinda Patrick

Positioning Yourself for Greater Impact With Your LGBTQ-Identified Loved One

As Christian parents, family, or friends of a loved one who has embraced an LGBTQ identity, we want our loved ones to see and experience Jesus Christ so they will come to know Him in a real and personal way. In this breakout, participants will discover the greatest obstacle to them pointing their loved one to Jesus, learn how to position themselves for greater Kingdom impact, and be equipped to be the hands and feet of Jesus to their loved one.

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Maureen & Ray Borzone

From Self-Rejection to Self-Acceptance, God’s Way

Our current culture, through the transgender movement, is promoting a false compassion that supports self-rejection and the fantasy that creating a different “self” is the answer. Yet God has created you with intention. In this breakout, learn the nature of self-rejection and walk through the process of accepting yourself as God made you, exquisitely fashioned and deeply loved.

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Renee Dallas

Responsible Ministry or Religious Trauma?

With the growing exposure of spiritual abuse in Christian circles, those who come into conflict with Christian teaching on sexuality are tempted to frame their experience as religious trauma. Accordingly, mental health professionals are even considering making so-called “Religious Trauma” an official diagnosis. Renata will review the current trend and distinguish between genuine trauma versus responsible ministry based on faithfulness to Scripture. The listener will come away informed about religious trauma trends and better prepared to minister responsibly.

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Rev. Wynn Cameron Thompson

The Identity Crisis at the Root of Sexual Brokenness

This breakout explores the roots of sexual brokenness, including influences from our family, friends, and society that shape our identity. Oftentimes, we ignore, hide, or completely deny the innermost parts of our being, contributing to a crisis in our identity–which can lead to sexual brokenness. Wynn offers practical ways to face the identity crisis at the root of sexual brokenness and find resolve.

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Joe Dallas

Discipling the Overcomer

When someone says, “Pastor, I’m same-sex attracted,” how will you respond? Joe will share key lessons he has learned from 37 years of counseling overcomers, including common situations that bring people to the point of seeking help and questions they often ask. Joe will present his biblically-based, five-point approach called ROUTE (Repentance, Order, Understanding, Training, Endurance), which can be utilized by any ministry leader.

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Andrew Rodriguez, LPC

The Surprising Correlation Between OCD & SSA

One of the most common issues experienced by individuals with same-sex attraction and gender identity struggles is obsessive-compulsive disorder or tendencies. For some, questioning their sexuality or gender is their obsession, and they may not even experience actual SSA or gender dysphoria. For others, the OCD exacerbates their healing process. In this workshop, learn how OCD and sexuality intersect and find practical tips for yourself or people to whom you’re ministering.

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